Wholelife Nutrition & Dietetics

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You’ve got something planned. On one hand you really want to have a glass of vino, but on the other hand you really want to fall pregnant (& don’t want anyone to know you’re trying!)

Research has consistently shown alcohol affects the potential for a woman to fall pregnant, we just don’t to what extent (1).

But how much can you have?

Researchers found those who had 1 standard drink a day was associated with an 11% lower chance of falling pregnant than women who don’t drink while trying to fall pregnant & for those who like more than 1 standard drink a day, its a 23% reduction in conception(1).

Every standard alcoholic drink is associated with a 2% reduction in the probability of falling pregnant…essentially having a few drinks can cause you to take longer to fall pregnant (1). Heavy drinking reduces a woman’s ovarian reserve, the measure of reproductive potential by look at your eggs (2) (Flashback to your uni/college days)

To make this clearer, 1 standard drink doesn’t equal a glass of alcohol

Eg. 150mL glass of wine is ~1.5 standard drinks

We don’t know exactly how it happens but do know it can disrupt our natural hormone balance (causing hormone imbalances by increasing oestrogen, testosterone & luteinising hormone) & menstrual cycles (3).

By contrast, another study found <14 drinks a week (~2 bottles of wine or 7-8 glasses) has no effect on fertility, however this study didn’t address if the amount of wine consumed was normal or binge-drinking or if it was consumed during the fertile window (4).

Bear in mind it take 3 months for your eggs to mature so if you stop drinking today, those are the potential eggs which will be used in 3 months time, not your next cycle.

Obviously, the safest approach is to not have any alcohol while trying to fall pregnant, however if you’re in a situation where it’s hard to avoid not drinking, limit it to a glass of wine.

Now we’ve looked at the science, let’s be real.

Is it realistic for YOU to not have one drink while you’re trying to fall pregnant? For some yes & for some, a glass of wine helps to wind down from the week. Your fertility journey is just that, a journey. There’s a whole lot of waiting & patience required during this time.

One drink will more than likely not derail your chances of falling pregnant, there are soooo many factors which can impact the likelihood of conceiving; hormone levels, timing, thyroid levels, weight & of course, diet to name a few.

Let’s take some pressure off you, it takes two to tango & alcohol can effect sperm health too (5). So if you’re about to start or currently trying to fall pregnant, skip that bottle of wine at dinner.

If you’ve been trying for a while & really struggling to fall pregnant, both of you cut out alcohol for a few months & see how this helps improve fertility.

This information relates to how it affects your chances of falling pregnant, there are health & safety risks for your baby if you are pregnant. Alcohol is definitely out if you suspect or are pregnant.

I know this might sound rough, but why risk it? it’s a short period of your life & your overall health will be better off… think of how much better you’ll feel & sleep!

Are you trying to fall pregnant?

If you found this useful or would like you support trying to fall pregnant, test your fertility knowledge here or book an appointment.


  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29062133/

  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5504800/

  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4588737/

  4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27581754/

  5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23274392/